PAUA Activity

Education Committee

Objectives of the Education Committee

  • The Education Committee is committed to knowing and living the life and character of Jesus as “the truth will set you free,” being free from our finiteness, fear, anxiety, obsession and self-satisfaction.
  • The Education Committee fully recognizes that 'education' is one of Jesus' three major missions, education, evangelism, and healing, and will do our best to lead a wholesome and God-pleasing direction.
  • The Education Committee believes the fundamental motive of 'education' is built upon Jesus’ compassion towards mankind, and thus will do our best in educational missions grounded in his compassion.
  • The Education Committee will do our best to fulfill the Great Commission in making disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey Jesus’ commandments.
  • The Education Committee believes that the fundamental goal of 'education' is to allow God’s people to live to their full God-given potential and to raise them as people who will build God’s kingdom.

The Education Committee 2019 Business Plan

The 3rd New Faculty Seminar
Time and Date July 19, 2017 (Friday)
Location Seoul Youngdong Presbyterian Church, etc.
Main topics of the seminar -The Importance of Educational Missions
-The Mission and Spirituality of an Educational Missionary
-Educational Missions and the Christian Worldview
-Educational Missions and Foreign Cultures
-Educational Missions and Cooperation within an Educational Community
-Educational Missions and Cultivating Global Citizens of Empathy
The 1st PAUA Educational Missions Academy
Time and Date Every Thursday from September 19, 2019 for eight weeks
Instructor Chairman Son Bong ho and other educational missions experts
Program 1week(9/19) : The Importance of Educational Missions
2week(9/26) : Current Status and Tasks of Educational Missions
3week(10/10) : The Mission and Spirituality of an Educational Missionary
4week(10/17) : Educational Missions and the Christian Worldview (Understanding Different Cultures)
5week(10/24) : Educational Missions and Christian Leadership
6week(10/31) : Education and Evangelism of the Next Generation
7week(11/7) : Educational Missions and Community
8week(11/14) : Preparation and Application of Educational Missionaries
Faculty Enrichment Program
Time and Date May 2019
Location Kumi University(Uganda)
Attendees About 30 professors
Content Majors and the Christian Worldview
Creating Curriculums for a Christianity Based Lecture