Guidance for Member Universities


PAUA Conferences are divided into two catagories, International Conferences and Local Conferences.

International Conference
The International Conference (IC) is held to promote PAUA member institutions and mobilize resources. The majority of these universities need many resources such as professor's and administrative staff, as well as educational materials and funding. Churches and Christian organizations in first world countries such as South Korea, USA, Canada, England, and Australia come together to hold the conference, and professors of the member institutions attend the conferences to promote the university and create a worldwide movement for educational missions.

Local Conference
The Local Conference (LC) aims to retrain faculty members at the PAUA member institutions. In order to establish a Christian identity and achieve the goals as a Christian university, we want to help professors and administrators build their field of profession with the Christian worldview as the foundation. There will be active exchange between member universities in the region, teaching major classes from a Christian point of view, training in Christian administration, and in-depth discussions and research on Christian universities for the spirituality of all faculty members.