LIFE University

Name LIFE University
President Dr. Koo Kyen Hoe Year of Establishment 2006
Population 30 professors, 12 staff members Students 487 students
Purpose and Vision Staring as a kindergarten, middle and high school, LIFE University is the only accredited Christian university in Cambodia, planting visions in young Cambodians through Christian love and academics. We aim to develop student capabilities and nurture them into global leaders with skills and spirituality through Christian activities and contribute to Cambodia’s social, economic, industrial, and cultural development.
Location Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Majors 1) University
▪ Colleges of Nursing and Midwifery :
- Department of Nursing
- Department of Midwifery
▪ College of Business Management :
- Department of General Management
- Department of Business Accounting
- Department of Finance and Banking
- Department of Marketing
▪ College of Science And Engineering :
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Civil Engineering
▪ College of Art, Humanities and Languages :
- Department of Korean Language
- Department of Chiness Language
- Department of English Literature
- Department of Theology
▪ College of Architecture & U-City Design :
- Department of Architecture
2) Graduate Schools
Graduate School of Theology, Graduate School of Business, Graduate School of Computer Science, Graduate School of English Language
Affiliated Institutions Life International School, Life High School, Life Secondary School, Life Primary School